Week 10 - 2021  ●   4B2M - This is Happening

4B2M dropped their debut single just this week. The song is a nice blend of order and chaos, but the main ingredient is joy. The rapid but steady beat and bassline push the song forward. The tone and lyrics are playful and put a smile on your face. As the song approaches its ending, the boys let go of the reins a bit. They let the vocals and instruments spiral into a pleasant bit of chaos, followed by joyful laughter. 


The Dutch band 4B2M consists of the brothers Teun and Cas Hieltjes (Go Back to the Zoo, St. Tropez) and Rocco (De Staat) and Jimmi Hueting (Jo Goes Hunting). The abbreviation stands for "four brothers, two mothers". Their friendship started when they were 12 years old, and they even say they’ll be releasing some songs written at the start of their friendship. If those song are in the same self proclaimed style called: R&B-Krautrock, we have a fun album to look forward to.