Week 21 ● The Murder Capital - Don't Cling To Life


The Murder Capital rose in the Dublin guitar scene in 2019, alongside a number of other bands, to reinvigorate and celebrate post-punk music. The debut album ‘When I Have Fears’ turned out to be a work of art, an emotional statement. The Murder Capitol fits into the genre that is known for its urgent messages sung over driving drums and baseline, but added a new dimension by pouring in the genuine pain of loss and an insecure and fragile sense of hope. The bandmembers experienced this loss when a mutual friend took his own life. ‘Every single one of those lyrics relates back in some way to his death.’

Don’t cling to life is their third single and to me the highlight of the album. In the song you can feel the unaltered pain of loss, but also the strength needed to push forward. The guys explain how the song helped them process aswell. ‘Even through everything that was going on we didn’t want to write a sad song.We wanted to write a song you could dance to. Wanting to dance through it, while feeling the rawness and emptiness of our grief.'




“And as it feigns a deadly grip
The world collapses ‘round my room
The water floats the floors adrift
Your eyes demand the darkest blue

With hands held tight it goes and goes
The light that once shone on the pale
Our steady hands return to stone
Let's stay enclosed for all our days

Failing this let's dance and cry
So we remember why we die
Don't cling to life, don't cling to life
There's nothing on the other side”