Week 13 ● Walt Disco - Cut Your Hair

Walt Disco is a young Scottish band that plays upbeat songs with feel for flair and drama. It's not uncommon to see the bandmembers wearing lipstick or even a dress. Part of their charm is this advocating acceptance for diversity in the broadest sense of the word. But without making a big deal out of it. "Things like wearing a wedding dress, it's not going to change the world but maybe it's going to change one person's opinion about a guy wearing a dress, you know?" Potter muses. Morgan agrees: "We're not doing it as a gimmick; we genuinely enjoy dressing up onstage." 

Between 2018 and 2021 they've released a handful of singles and their first EP. They like to describe their sounds as New-Romantic Goth, partially Eighties influenced with some post-punk and indie infusion.  The song Cut Your Hair from the EP is unlike anything you've heard. After hearing the song I read that the band draws inspiration from Echo and the Bunnymen, Orange Juice and D.A.F.  You would have to agree these styles can all be found in this song, it's just that the most uncommon mix you could think of. 


Lyrically the song is a fun reminder to hold on to your youth. To not slip into the rut of work and safe choices. The message is wrapped in striking metafores like: "We got a job, honey, that ain't no life. In search of sweetness, you missed all the spice."


I hope to see the band put out more music and make their way to Europe for a  summer festival tour.  Because this, this is the kind of music that asks for a slightly drunken dance session in the sun if you ask me. Bring Sports Team and the Chats and we have ourselves a party!