Week 15 ● Barely Autumn - Abortion Coffee


Barely Autumn is a Belgian band with quite a diverse amount of styles across their albums. On their last album “Day Trip To The Petting Zoo” you’ll find new wavy, post punk, indie and even electronic songs. The band from Belgium added a second guitar which especially gives this song of the week a fuller rock sound in the choruses. The style of singing/speaking in the verses gives the listener a feeling of impending doom.

The subject and lyrics of the song are quite confronting in their effort to tackle the well-known taboo of abortion. The song tells the story of a couple who unintentionally get pregnant. Instead of making a choice or dealing with the situation, the man runs from the situation, leaving the girl with the dilemma.

Two thirds through the song the heavy guitars die down while soft cymbals create an eerie atmosphere. In a distance you hear the couple talk to each other in French. The conversation ends with a clearly distressed girl begging the man for support in her choice. Instead of his response, a wave of guitar swells up and drags us back into the chorus. Leaving us without an answer. Like he did her.